Top Plumsteadville Cosmetic Dentist
Best of the best cosmetic dental care in Plumsteadville. By having the top cosmetic dentist in Bucks County, it allows us to look after our patients from when they start as a child all the way into their adult years. Patient care is always our top priority and making sure we educate our patients on good oral health practices is our number one concern. When you visit us you can always expect a high degree or professional skill and ability and a strong dedication to your oral health.
Top Plumsteadville Cosmetic Dentist

Brian Wilk, DMD
Cosmetic Dentist Chalfont, PA
Top Pediatric Dentist

Jill Zurek, DDS
Pedodontist Chalfont, PA
Top Endodontist

Alexander Fuller, DMD
Endodontist Chalfont, PA

Helping Serve Plumsteadville Patients
At Highpoint Dental Medicine, we believe in modern dental care that does not support the old premise – “when it hurts, fix it.” Our mission is to provide outstanding care in an atmosphere of caring, competence, and trust. As a leader in the field of cosmetic dentistry in Plumsteadville and as beta test site for some of the latest technology, our top Plumsteadville dentists have been recognized as pioneers in the field and established Highpoint Dental Medicine as thepractice for superior, personal dental care. Our professional dental team is passionate about providing unparalleled level of dental care and comfort. Most importantly, we prioritize our patients and treat them with respect and welcome them to the Highpoint family!
Ultimately, By practicing proper preventive care and coming to our office for regular checkups, we believe that most patients can expect to keep their natural teeth for the rest of their lives. To book an appointment right away or for more information on how we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams, please contact Highpoint Dental Medicine today.

Featured Article
“Dental implants are the single greatest health care advancement that influences the way we practice. We can now leave your healthy teeth untouched when you lose a tooth. In the past we took a one-tooth problem and created a three-tooth solution, which 20 years later became a three-tooth problem.” Read More!
Preferred Provider & Webinar Host
“Our patients start here at a very young age and get comfortable with the office and, as they grow, they can stay within the same practice. It also helps us see different things as it relates to their oral health as they are growing and changing. This approach truly provides a dental home for our patients.” Read More!
Top Dentist Edition
“Our work is based on prevention and education. We follow the way it’s supposed to be done and we don’t take any shortcuts. In doing so, the team strives to help patients maintain the healthiest natural teeth possible by providing the highest-quality dental work. Going to the dentist regularly is the cheapest way to take care of your mouth.” Read More!Serving Plumsteadville Dental Patients

Bridging Technology Into The Dental World.
Here at Highpoint Dental Medicine, we take pride in knowing that we are one of the leaders in dental technology. Our office is considered a trusted facility among the top dental manufactures in the world which is why we are one of few that lead the industry. Just within the past few years there have been great advancements in the field of dentistry. New technology has changed the way we diagnose, treat, and prevent oral health issues. Here are some of the latest advancements in dentistry that we offer to all our patients:- iTero
- Digital X-Rays
- Intra-Oral Camera
- Air Abrasion

New Patient Offer

We love to see your smile!
To welcome you to our practice, we would like to offer you a choice of one of the following: FREE professional tooth whitening, including custom dental trays and your initial supply of whitening gel*
FREE initial dental exam including oral cancer screening, periodontal screening and bite-wing radiographs *These services must follow an initial dental exam and needed dental radiographs.